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The official site of the Iowa High School Press Association


The official site of the Iowa High School Press Association


The official site of the Iowa High School Press Association



Jump to By-Laws section

Constitution revised and updated October 1996

Article 1: Name
The name of this organization shall be the IOWA HIGH SCHOOL PRESS ASSOCIATION.

Article 2: Purposes

The purpose of this organization shall be to:

  1. Encourage interest in Journalism and secondary school publications.
  2. Raise the standards of secondary school publications.
  3. Encourage the recognition of Journalism as a separate and important course of study, particularly as it reflects the ability of the secondary school student to use the mass media in understanding his role as a citizen.
  4. Encourage secondary school publications to accept responsibility as a vital and responsible means of informing the community of secondary school aims and activities.
  5. Encourage students with journalism aptitudes to continue in the field of journalism.
  6. Encourage the adoption of a minimum standard requirement of a minor in journalism or a minimum 18 hours in journalism for teachers of journalism.

Article 3: Membership

Membership in the Iowa High School Press Association shall consist of active and honorary members.

Section 1: Active Membership

  • Membership of individual schools shall be contingent upon the payment of the annual fee to the Iowa High School Press Association by the school.
  • All teachers of journalism courses in junior and senior public and parochial high schools in the state of Iowa and all teachers who act as advisers for junior and senior high school publications in the public and parochial schools of the state of Iowa at member schools are eligible.
  • Members may include former teachers of journalism or advisers for junior and senior high school publications in the public and parochial schools of the state of Iowa.
  • Publications staffs and journalism students at member schools are eligible.
  • Fees shall be prescribed by the vote of the teacher members.

Section 2: Honorary Membership
Honorary members shall be persons devoted to the interests and promotion of secondary school journalism. Honorary members may be elected to lifetime membership by the Executive Board.

Article 4: Officers
The teacher officers of this association shall consist of a President, Vice-President for Operation, Vice-President for Special Projects, Secretary and Executive Director, constitution the executive board. Officers, other than the Executive Director, shall be elected from among the member teachers.
It shall be the duty of the President to:

  • Preside at all business meetings of this association and to perform all duties pertaining to the office.
  • Supervise all activities of the organization; appoint all standing and special committees subject to the approval of the Executive Board unless otherwise ordered by the association.
  • Recommend for the consideration of the executive Board such measures as the President shall judge necessary.
  • Fill vacancies on the Executive Board.
  • Set and give notice of all Executive Board meetings prior to such meetings.
  • Appoint ex-officio members as needed.

Section 2
It shall be the duty of the Vice-President for Operations to:

  • Perform all duties in the President’s office in the absence of the President.
  • Supervise and monitor the fiscal responsibilities of the executive director.
  • Consult with the executive director on program activities.

Section 3
It shall be the duty of the Vice-President for Special Projects to:

Establish an ongoing program of mentoring provided for new advisers in the state and others who request assistance.


Article 1: Parliamentary Authority

Roberts’ Rules of Order Newly Revised shall be the parliamentary authority on all matters not covered by the constitution and the By-Laws of this association.

Article 2: Annual Dues and Bills
Section 1

  • The annual dues of the Iowa High School Press Association for any current school year are payable to the Executive Director of this association.
  • Dues may be changed by a vote of the teacher members. The annual dues of the Iowa High School Press Association, payable to the Executive Director of the association, shall be established by a vote of the teacher members.
  • The annual dues of the IHSPA shall be proposed by the Executive Board and passed by a majority vote of the schools represented at the state convention. These dues would be for the coming school year.

Section 2

All bills shall have the approval of the teacher President of the Iowa High School Press Association. The financial bookkeeping responsibility shall be the duty of the Executive Director or an appointed designee.

Section 3
The Executive Board shall be authorized to make proper reimbursement for expenses incurred on Association business.

Article 3: Business Meeting
Annual business meeting:

  • Official business shall be transacted at the annual business meeting of the Iowa High School Press Association. One annual meeting shall be held by the Association at the same time as the state convention of the Iowa High School Press Association.
  • A meeting of the Executive Board may be called at the discretion of the President of the association.
  • A quorum at the annual business meeting of the member teachers shall consist of twelve or more paid-up members in attendance. A simple majority vote of that quorum is required to pass measures and/or resolutions presented by a member or group of members.

Article 4: Executive Director
Section 1
The Iowa High School Press Association Executive Board shall approve an Executive Director in conjunction with the cooperating university housing the IHSPA office to serve the organization.

Section 2
It shall be the duties of the Executive Director to:

  • Assist the officers and the Executive Board.
  • Maintain a permanent office, to keep records of the activities of the association.
  • Receive and disburse income as directed by the Executive Board.
  • Design and produce the Newsletter and distribute to members.
  • Assist in the promotion of the aims of the Iowa High School Press Association.

Article 5: Headquarters and Records
The headquarters and records of the association shall be maintained in the office of the Executive Director of the Iowa High School Press Association.

Article 6: Annual Convention

The annual convention of the Iowa High School Press Association shall be arranged by the President, assisted by the Executive Director and the Executive Board. An annual convention or conventions shall be held at such sites and dates as directed by the Executive Board.

Article 7: Publication Contests and Critiques
The Executive Director shall serve as chairman of the publication contests and critiques. The charge for such services above annual fees shall be determined by the Executive Board.

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